Worldwide many researchers have used the SiO2-Na2O-CaO-P2O5system as a template for developing new silica-based compositions[7].Subsequently, many formulations in the phosphate and borate-basedsystem have been also designed to overcome the Bioglass®and silicate-based glass limitations[8–11], and thus to meet the set of requirementsthat are both crucial and necessary for optimised tissue-engineeredsubstitutes[12].The possibility to tailor glass properties by doping the maincomposition with network modifiers and/or intermediate oxides[13–20] offers significant potential for this class of biomaterials. Inaddition to promoting bone bonding, the release of soluble ions (i.e.Si,Ca, P and Na) from these glasses have been demonstrated to promotecell proliferation, differentiation and activate gene expression[20–24].Furthermore, it has been also revealed that even slight changes in theglass main formulation can substantially affect the material behaviour,particularly the physico-chemical and mechanical properties, dissolu-tion rate, bioactivity and bioresorbability[5,16,18,25–27].However, there are still several criticisms related to the clinical useof this class of biomaterials in bone repair[12]. Firstly, whether or notglass dissolution products have a positive effect on adult stem cells isstill an open debate[28]. Secondly, they have often proved inadequatewhen used in load-bearing bone defects, due to their low tensilestrength and fracture toughness[29]. Ultimately, there are no large-scale porous bioactive glasses on the market, thus their commercialsuccess as bone scaffolds is limited[6,12].The aim of this work was the development and characterisation ofeight novel silicate, phosphate and borate glass formulations (coded asNCLx, where x = 1 to 8), containing different oxides and in diversemolar percentages as promising biomaterials for the repair andregeneration of bone tissue.2. Materials and methods2.1. Development of novel glass formulationsBased on the current state of the art, the eight bioceramic formula-tions were developed using: silicon dioxide, phosphorous pentoxide andboron trioxide as network formers due to their promising bioactivepotential[1,30,31], distinctive resorbable properties[32,33], andcustomable degradation rate[5,34], along with a range of differentdoping agents (i.e.MgO, MnO2,Al2O3, CaF2,Fe2O3, ZnO, CuO, Cr2O3),which were used to tailor the properties of the main composition[35–41]. The rationale and innovative characteristics of the novelmaterials are reported inTable 1. Additionally, considering theexcellent biocompatibility eitherin vitroandin vivoof apatite wollas-tonite (AW)[42–44], and the fact that it has been adopted for a broadrange of medical applications, either in the form of powder, porousstructures or bulk material[45,46], AW glass-ceramic was used ascomparison material in this study.2.2. Glass production and processingThe novel glasses were produced and supplied by Glass TechnologyService (GTS) Ltd. (Sheffield, UK) along with AW. Briefly, the indivi-dual components (seeTable 2) of each formulation were weighed outand then mixed together to obtain a uniform blend, which wassubsequently melted in platinum crucibles at temperatures up to1500 °C. The individual melts of glass were cast as solid blocks andthen thermally shocked in de-ionised water to produce the precursormaterials, known as frits.Glass frits of all the compositions were ground in a one-bowlzirconia ball milling machine (Planetary Mono Mill Pulverisette 6,Fritsch GmbH, Germany) using a rotational speed of 400 rpm for30 min, and then sieved using a mechanical sieve shaker (Impact TestEquipment Ltd., UK) to have afinal particle size about 20μm and below53μm.Powders were prepared for pressing through mixing with anisopropanol solution (Sigma Aldrich, UK) in the proportion 1:3 (w/w). Powders were then pressed using an automatic hydraulic press(Specac-Atlas™8T, Specac Ltd., UK) to make 10 mm diameter and2.5 mm high pellets. The pressed pellets were then sintered in a furnace(Carbolite 1200 CWF, Carbolite GmbH, Germany), with the sinteringtimes and temperatures defined by the results of the hot stagemicroscopy analysis, reported inSection Physico-chemical characterisation2.3.1. Microstructural characterisationPowder glasses and dense pellets were sputtered with a thin layer ofgold (approximately 10 nm, sputter time 40 s at 40 mA), and afterwardanalysed using a Philips XL30 Field-Emission Environmental ScanningElectron Microscope (ESEM FEG), which isfitted with a RontecQuantax system for the Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis.All the images were taken at an operation voltage of 20 kV, andworking distance between 5 and 10 mm.2.3.2. Hot stage microscopy (HSM)The sintering ability of the novel glass powders was determinedusing hot stage microscopy (Misura®, Expert System Solutions, Italy).Tests were performed in air using a heating rate of 10 °C/min up to1200 °C. Glass powders were manually pressed into a small cylindricaldie (2 × 3 mm) and placed on a 10 × 15 × 1 mm alumina support.During the process the specimens were observed by a video camera andimages of the changing sample profile were acquired up to 1450 °C.Afterwards, the sample shrinkage at different temperatures was calcu-lated from the variation of the sample area, using the followingformula:AAshrinkage (%) = × 100T0whereA0(mm2) was the initial area of the specimen at roomtemperature andAT(mm2) was the area of the specimen at thetemperatureT.2.3.3. XRD AnalysisTo investigate the nature of the novel materials. XRD analysis wasTable 1Rationale of the novel glass compositions.CODE MAIN NETWORK FORMER AIMNCL1SiO2To develop a material with osteogenic properties, mainly determined by the presence of a high amount of silica.NCL2SiO2To develop a load-bearing material with osteogenic properties and tailored degradation rate.NCL3B2O3To develop a material with improved degradation rate and appropriate level of bioactivity as well as mechanical propertiesNCL4B2O3To develop a material with tailored degradation rate and osteogenic effects.NCL5P2O5To develop a resorbable glass with controlled degradation rate.NCL6P2O5To develop a resorbable glass with controlled degradation rate, and improved mechanical strengthNCL7SiO2To develop a material with antibacterial properties, mainly determined by the presence of silver oxide, and a good level of bioactivity.NCL8SiO2To develop a material with osteogenic properties and tailored degradation rate for non-load bearing applications.E. Mancuso et al.Materials & Design 129 (2017) 239–248240