Perpetration narratives in transitional justice mechanisms after the Arab Spring
: The cases of Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt

  • Nada Ahmed Mostafa Kamal Ahmed

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This research project explores perpetration narratives that emerge from recent mechanisms and initiatives of transitional justice in three post-authoritarian Arab region countries: Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia. Observation and analysis of the different transitional justice mechanisms conducted in each case study setting reveals how perpetration is framed, seen, understood, and addressed. The research outcome is a Perpetration Narrative Typology, extracted from a close study of, primarily, the Truth and Dignity Commission in Tunisia, the different transitional justice laws issued in Libya after 2011, and the Mubarak criminal trials in Egypt. This Typology allows us to uncover the various perpetration narratives that emerged from these mechanisms and determine the dominant one in each case. It enables us to assess how effectively each transitional justice mechanism addressed the complex shades of perpetration.
Date of AwardJul 2023
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorCath Collins (Supervisor) & Brandon Hamber (Supervisor)


  • Transitional Justice
  • Perpetration
  • Political transition
  • Criminal prosecutions
  • Truth commission
  • Lustration law
  • Amnesty law

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