Dynamical complexity of large-scale neurocognitive networks in healthy and pathological brain states

  • Thomas Alderson

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    Contemporary theories suggest that the brain operates in a metastable
    regime of dynamics in which the tendencies for local areas to integrate
    and segregate is simultaneously realised. Current theoretical and empirical
    observations suggest that this behaviour occurs spontaneously through the
    interaction of local dynamics with underling anatomical connectivity. The
    metastable regime likely confers important behavioural qualities through
    the flexible coupling and uncoupling of distributed cortical regions into
    context-dependent neurocognitive networks. Thus, one of the principle
    goals of neuroscience, to understand how structure and dynamics interact
    to generate cognition, may be realised by leveraging the metastable
    regime of dynamics to link across the interrelated domains of structure,
    function, and cognition. Accordingly, the proposed approach, grounded in
    dynamical systems theory, neuroimaging, and theoretical computer modelling,
    aims to explore how: (1) complex metastable neural dynamics are
    modulated by cognitive state; (2) structural connectivity confers cognitive
    flexibility on a fixed network topology through metastable neural dynamics;
    (3) structural disconnection impacts metastable neural dynamics and how
    this relates to cognitive performance.
    The thesis presents findings from three studies. The first uses the theoretical
    framework of metastable coordination dynamics to explore how cognition
    arises from the dynamic assembly of local areas into neurocognitive
    networks. Previous work has suggested that the probability of transitioning
    between network states is maximised when subjects are not explicitly engaged
    in a task. Contrary to expectations, metastability between networks
    was higher during task engagement than during periods of ‘cognitive rest’.
    Task-based reasoning was characterised by dynamic stability in sensory regions
    and dynamic flexibility in regions devoted to cognitive control. Critically,
    this dynamic flexibility appeared to confer superior problem solving
    ability in tests of fluid intelligence.
    The second study leverages an example of incipient neurodegeneration,
    mild cognitive impairment (MCI), to test the essential proposition that
    cognitive deficits are linked to structural disconnection in the brain’s largescale
    network architecture. Accordingly, this study examines the structural
    connectivity between thalamus and key regions of the cortex implicated
    in ‘cognitive rest’: the default mode network (DMN). Abnormal structural
    connectivity and altered patterns of causation were identified in this
    ‘thalamo-DMN’ loop and, crucially, these deficits were linked to memory
    recall. Taken together, these findings provide new insight into the causal
    pathways underlying DMN dysfunction in MCI and Alzheimer’s disease
    (AD) and provides preliminary evidence that AD represents a failure of
    circulating information consistent with its status as a ‘disconnection syndrome’.
    The third and final study uses a joint theoretical and empirical approach
    to examine how dynamics and cognitive ability are shaped by the macroscopic
    connectivity of the brain. Accordingly, this study investigates the
    asymptotic decline of neural metastability in an example of structural disconnection, AD, and its prodrome, MCI. Whole-brain computer modelling
    mechanistically linked reduced metastability to anatomical disconnection.
    Moreover, metastability was linked to features of the brain’s structural
    topology. Crucially, empirical estimates of metastability were linked to
    global cognitive performance. Taken together, these findings suggest a critical
    linkage between metastability, cognition, and network topology in the
    damaged or diseased brain.
    Overall, these three studies provide insight into the dynamic principles
    by which cognitive architecture is organised and suggest that the metastable
    regime of dynamics offers considerable potential as a theoretical and conceptual
    framework for linking structure, function, and cognition in the human
    Date of AwardAug 2019
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorLiam Maguire (Supervisor) & Damien Coyle (Supervisor)


    • Metastability, Resting state, fMRI, DTI, Neural dynamics, Whole-brain computer modelling
    • Resting state
    • fMRI
    • DTI
    • Neural dynamics
    • Whole-brain computer modelling

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