Infrastructure Project (IP) development performance has been disappointing among IP stakeholders. There are no preconstruction performance criteria, success factors, and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for sustainable performance measurement and management. The aim of this research is twofold: The first aimed to develop and validate a preconstruction performance measurement conceptual framework for traditional lump sum and PPP-DBFOM transport (highway roads) and health (hospital buildings). The second aim seeks to develop and validate a preconstruction performance management model for traditional lump sum and PPP-DBFOM transport (highway roads) and health (hospital buildings) sectors to compare model CSFs for sustainable performance management. A mixed-method design was adopted to achieve the overall research aims where the qualitative findings inform the quantitative research. A three-phase literature review was used to develop two preconstruction performance measurement conceptual frameworks. The literature review findings were used to design two online two-round Delphi questionnaires and distributed to twenty (20) selected respondents from the UK and Ghana for validation on a five-point Likert scale. The 100% response rate was used to analyse the data. Median analysis was used to analyse each factor's applicability from 4 and above. Alternatively, the Relative Importance Index (RII) was used to evaluate each factor's contribution to performance measurement. The outcome was used to develop two different conceptual frameworks. The findings from the two conceptual frameworks were used to design and distribute four (4) online limesurveyTM questionnaires to one hundred and twenty (120) targeted respondents from the United Kingdom and Ghana to rank the performance impact of each factor on a five-point Likert scale based on their previous experience. The (100%) response rate data was used to analyse the data. PCA varimax rotation was used to identify component factors and groups and interpret each determinant/measure. Each component factor was named a Critical Success Factor (CSF) based on component factor characteristics to develop four (4) models. The model's CSF applicability and performance impact were validated based on recently completed past project performance records by the United Kingdom and Ghanaian preconstruction experts. The 100% responses were analysed using average mean and yes/no cumulative percentages. This research has developed and validated two conceptual preconstruction performance measurement frameworks: namely, the traditional lump sum and PPP-DBFOM transport (highway roads) preconstruction performance measurement conceptual framework comprising ninety-two (92) performance criteria and success factors grouped into eight (8) measures/determinants and the traditional lump sum and PPP-DBFOM health (hospital buildings) preconstruction performance measurement comprising ninety-six (96) performance criteria and success factors grouped into eight (8) determinants/measures. This research has identified preconstruction performance measurement conceptual framework performance criteria and success factors of each determinant/measure for the two conceptual frameworks. In addition, this research has developed and validated four (4) preconstruction performance management models CSFs: namely, traditional lump sum and PPP DBFOM transport (highway roads) preconstruction performance models and traditional lump sum and PPP DBFOM health (hospital buildings) preconstruction performance models. Each model comprises eight (8) determinants/measures with specific CSFs. The CSF validation has proven all CSF's applicability with a moderate, high, and extremely high-impact performance impact. This research has developed two (2) preconstruction performance measurement conceptual frameworks and four (4) performance management models. This research has contributed knowledge by identifying sustainable preconstruction performance measurement criteria, success factors, and management CSFs for traditional lump sum and PPP -DBFOM transport (highway roads) and health (hospital buildings) development. The comparison of performance CSFs will help practitioners select appropriate CSFs for specific project contract development. This contribution will assist policymakers and practitioners in current and future project development.
- Preconstruction
- Performance measurement
- Conceptual framework
- Performance management model
- Traditional lump sum contract
- PPP-DBFOM contract
- Transport (highways roads)
- Health (hospital buildings)
- Delphi panel
- Median value analysis
- Relative importance index
- Principal component analysis
- Success factors
- Critical success factors
- UK
- Ghana
Development of a comparative preconstruction performance management models for traditional lump sum and PPP-DBFOM transport and health projects
Donkoh, E. (Author). Feb 2024
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis