Xenopsin‐ and neurotensin‐like peptides in gastric juice from patients with duodenal ulcers


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12 Citations (Scopus)


Abstract. Using an anti‐serum directed against the COOH‐terminal region of neurotensin and an antiserum raised xenopsin in radioimmunoassays, the presence of neurotensin‐ and xenopsin‐like immunoreactivity in Sep‐pak extracts of human gastric juice was demonstrated. An anti‐serum directed against the NH2‐terminal to central residues of neurotensin and an anti‐serum directed against a conformation, present only in the intact peptide, did not detect immunoreactivity in the juice. Infusions of pentagastrin at doses of 0·75 μg kg‐1 h‐1 and 1·5 μg kg‐1 h‐1 resulted in significant (P<0·05) increases in the total amount of xenopsin‐like, but not neurotensin‐like, immunoreactivity released in the juice compared with basal release. No significant differences in the release of xenopsin‐ or neurotensin‐like immunoreactive were observed between patients with selective proximal vagotomy and patients without operation. Analysis by gel permeation chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography demonstrated that both the neurotensin‐ and xenopsin‐like immunoreactivity was heterogeneous and an increase in molecular complexity on pentagastrin‐stimulation was observed. As both neurotensin and xenopsin inhibit gastric exocrine activity, the presence of immunochemically related substances in gastric juice may have physiological relevance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)306-312
Number of pages7
JournalEuropean Journal of Clinical Investigation
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Aug 1987


  • duodenal ulcer
  • gastric juice
  • high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • neurotensin
  • Xenopsin


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