Visuocognitive Fluency Facilitating ECG Interpretation with Visual Metaphors and Expressive Tags

Jonathan Gay, Victoria Simms, RR Bond, D Finlay, Helen Purchase

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The acquisition of data for medical diagnosis may be regarded as reliable and accurate, however visual representations of these data may cause significant cognitive load to novice practitioners, or learners. ECG interpretation is a case in point. This paper introduces work in progress with regard to facilitating ECG interpretation through the use and testing of visual metaphors and expressive tags. Commonly used in domains such as visual advertising, comics, musical notation, performing arts and education, visual metaphors serve as a useful heuristic to present complex concepts. Testing the potential impact of visual metaphors and expressive tags on the accuracy of ECG interpretation is novel to ECG research. The visuocognitive principles introduced in this paper have the potential to make a positive contribution to HCI and information visualisation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 10 May 2018
EventBritish HCI Conference 2018 - Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Duration: 2 Jul 20186 Jul 2018


ConferenceBritish HCI Conference 2018
Abbreviated titleBHCI2018
Country/TerritoryNorthern Ireland


  • ECG
  • visualisation
  • decision making


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