Visualization of Data for Ambient Assisted Living Services

Maurice Mulvenna, William Carswell, PJ McCullagh, JC Augusto, H Zheng, Paul Jeffers, HY Wang, Suzanne Martin

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Ambient assisted living services that provide support for people to remain in their homes are increasingly being used in healthcare systems around the world. Typically, these ambient assisted living services provide additional information though location-awareness, presence-awareness and context-awareness capabilities, arising from the prolific use of telecommunications devices including sensors and actuators in the home of the person receiving care. In addition there is a need to provide abstract information, in context, to local and remote stakeholders. There are many different viewing options utilising converged networks and the resulting explosion in data and information has resulted in a new problem, as these new ambient assisted living services struggle to convey meaningful information to different groups of end users. The paper discusses visualization of data from the perspective of the needs of the differing end user groups, and discusses how algorithms are required to contextualise and conveys information across location and time. In order to illustrate the issues, current work on night-time AAL services for people with dementia is described.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)110-117
JournalIEEE Communications Magazine
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jan 2011


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