Visioning new modes of integrated and shared schooling in Northern IrelandAbstractPlanning for shared schooling in Northern Ireland requires a re-consideration of the decision-making processes that underpin the choices made by parents and a re-thinking of the nature and purpose of alternative modes of educating young people from the different communities together. The paper provides evidence that demand for existing integrated schools in Northern Ireland is growing at a rapid rate and that there is a need to ensure that school places are provided where demand exists. Given recent developments in Scotland, however, in relation to shared schools, it is suggested that new approaches may involve examining the application of this policy to Northern Ireland and, also, opening debate concerning the potential for further development of new forms of shared schooling. These new possibilities offer opportunities to enable young people to encounter a broader range of peers and experience more diverse cultures while retaining the support of the current Controlled (Protestant) and Maintained (Catholic) sectors. The fraught journey towards integrated education in a divided society has implications for European societies where religious belief, intertwined with ethnicity, has been implicated in communal discord and conflict.
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 541-557 |
Journal | European Journal of Education |
Volume | Vol. 4 |
Issue number | 1 |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 2009 |
Bibliographical note
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- : integrated education
- parental decision-making
- school selection
- shared schooling
- ethnicity.