Using Vevox to enhance student engagement in an online neuroscience course

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


Title: Use of Vevox to enhance student engagement within an online neuroscience course for healthcare professionals.

Aim: To enhance student engagement and the learning and teaching experience in the online learning environment using Vevox, a real-time audience engagement application.

Methods: Vevox was introduced to webinars on the Neuroscience online course to enhance engagement and obtain views and responses for all students to share and learn from. Questions and statements linked to the content were prepared on Vevox in advance of the session as well as further questions added during the session based on the discussion and feedback from students. A variety of Vevox features were used including polls, free text responses, quizzes, and word clouds. A link (QR code) to the Vevox app was made available on the webinar slide for students to scan and gain quick access. After the webinar an excel report was downloaded providing more detailed information on the responses and which was shared with the students.

Results: There was enhanced engagement from all students. It was encouraging to receive responses from students who previously were reluctant to participate and share their views or answers to questions. Vevox enables students to respond with anonymity, so this is likely to have influenced the level of engagement. The students enjoyed the visuals from Vevox and novelty of using a different means to engage in the webinar. Integrating Vevox within the webinar using prepared questions and spontaneous questions during the session worked well. The student responses provided valuable feedback to inform the focus and direction of the session and stimulated further discussion between the lecturer and students. Feedback was received immediately and displayed in an easy to read and interesting format through word clouds and charts. Students could see the responses from the group and discover other’s perspectives on the issues discussed in the webinar.

Conclusion: Vevox is an easy-to-use student engagement application. Immediate feedback can be gained from students on the webinar content and shared to inform the discussion and direction of the session. It makes student participation easier, providing a safe space for students to share their views and responses to questions. Vevox adds to the learning and teaching experience, increasing student engagement, stimulating discussion and provide opportunities for students to learn from each other. It takes the webinar beyond the didactive and facilitates a more interactive session encouraging active learning.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 18 May 2023
EventEuropean Association of Neuroscience Nurses Congress 2023 - Hilton Reykjavik, Reykjavik, Iceland
Duration: 25 May 202327 May 2023


ConferenceEuropean Association of Neuroscience Nurses Congress 2023
Internet address


  • Vevox
  • neuroscience
  • education
  • online
  • engagement


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