Use of dialogue for Fellowship

Ruth Pilkington, Sarah Floyd, Fiona Smart, Mandy Ashgar, Vicky Davies

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    The following report is the culmination of a short collaborative project, which aimed to draw together case studies of good practice and resources to support those seeking to incorporate a dialogue route for awarding HEA Fellowship. The report itself outlines lessons, issues and recommendations for those using a dialogic route and accompanies a set of resources developed by practitioners from across the Higher Education (HE) sector. A group of academics from Edinburgh Napier University, Ulster University, and York St John University were invited to produce and share good practice case studies and resources from their work as Scheme Leads using dialogue successfully. These exemplars emerge from cycles of implementation, review and enhancement by these academics and provide invaluable insights to guide practitioners. Drawing also on original research by Pilkington (Escalate), Davies (unpublished thesis), and Asghar and Pilkington (in progress), the report provides a resource for those considering, developing and/or implementing dialogue within accredited CPD schemes, an area that is generating considerable attention within institutions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationUse of dialogue for Fellowship
    PublisherAdvance HE
    Number of pages75
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2016


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