Untitled Artwork, in response to Ard a' Chuain, (as part of the Great Book of the Gaelic)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

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An Leabhar MòrGreat Book of Gaelic “An Leabhar Mor “The Great Book of Gaelic is a major contemporary artwork, a 21st century ‘Book of Kells’ that brings together the work of more than 200 visual artists, poets and calligraphers from Scotland and Ireland.It has generated an international touring exhibition of 100 artworks, a book publication, a website (http://www.leabharmor.net/), a TV documentary, a series of BBC radio programmes, a music CD, a schools pack and an events programme.Great poets and writers such as Seamus Heaney and Hamish Henderson nominated 100 poems, while each poem represents such topics as comedy, tragedy, love, death and even the mundane. While 100 visual artists, fifty from each country, worked in collaboration with a small team of calligraphers in response to the poems.The original artwork was made to a specified scale on hand-made paper that offer a variety of surfaces, including light sensitive, and be sensitive to a range of media. Then a small team of calligraphers and typographers worked in collaboration with the artists and poets to integrate the selected lines of poetry and the artists’ images.Launched at the start of the new Millennium this book gives the Gaelic language a bridge between its roots, recent history and future. Capturing, forever, the rich and diverse creativity within Gaelic Culture whilst looking to a bright and buoyant future.Since its launch in 2002 The Book has seen the development of other media related outlets. These are a website, an audio CD a series of radio programmes, a film documentary and a high quality artbook publication.Primarily the book is an educational medium. To bring the rich creativity directly to schools an education pack has been developed to explore issues of geography, history, language, arts and culture. A copy of The Book has been be gifted to every Gaelic-medium school in Scotland and Ireland. An acclaimed exhibition tour has seen the book and its artwork on display around Scotland, Ireland and in North America. With further venues planned and a permanent exhibition the success is set to continue.Tullett, Barrie and Maclean, Malcolm and Dorgan, Theo (2002) An leabhar Mor: the great book of Gaelic. Canongate Books, Edinburgh. ISBN 1841952508
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationInternational Galleries-The Leabhar Mòr was originated by Pròiseact Nan Ealan - The Gaelic Arts Agency and for the past 9 years it has been touring constantly in the UK, Ireland, France, Australia, Canada and the USA.
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Mar 2002
EventAn Leabhar Mor - The Great Book of the Gaelic, International Touring Exhibition - The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, / Central Glasgow, Scotland & Touring Internationally.
Duration: 1 Jan 2002 → …

Bibliographical note

Outputmediatype: Artwork, Unique Photo-Screen-Print, ink Imagery and calligraphy.


  • The Great Book of the Gaelic
  • An leabhar Mor
  • Brian Connolly
  • Tim O'Neill
  • Ard a' Chuain
  • Pròiseact Nan Ealan
  • History of Boats in Northern Ireland & Scotland


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