University College London Devolution Monitoring Project 1999-2005, Northern Ireland Politics section. Reports were produced quarterly, monitoring change n NI.

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site


This project monitored the implementation of devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In November 2000, the Constitution Unit received further funding from the ESRC Devolution and Constitutional Change programme to extend the Monitoring reports to England (led by John Tomaney at Newcastle University) and the Centre (Roger Masterman at the Constitution Unit, succeeded in Jan 2003 by Guy Lodge). Additional funding provided by the ESRC grant (ref.: L219 25 2016) also allowed the Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh teams to extend the scope and depth of their reports, and to extend the whole monitoring programme to April 2005.The monitoring methodically tracked the changes that devolution brought across a range of policy areas. The outputs highlight the main comparisons and similarities between devolution in the three areasMonitoring reports: Northern Ireland.The team was led by Rick Wilford, School of Politics, Queen’s University Belfast (assembly); Robin Wilson, Director, Democratic Dialogue (devolved government, public policies, finance). Other members are:John Coakley, Director, Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin (intergovernmental relations)Lizanne Dowds, Research Fellow, School of Policy Studies, University of Ulster and Deputy Director, NI Social and Political Archive (ARK)Greg McLaughlin, Lecturer in Media Studies, University of Ulster (media)Elizabeth Meehan, Director, Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research, Queen’s University Belfast (intergovernmental relations, European Union)Duncan Morrow, University of Ulster (political parties and elections)
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity College London
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2005


  • Northern Ireland
  • Devolution Politics


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