Two-dimensional opinion dynamics in social networks with conflicting beliefs

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Two models are developed for updating opinions in social networks under situations where certain beliefs might be considered to be competing. These two models represent different attitudes of people towards the perceived conflict between beliefs. In both models agents have a degree of tolerance, which represents the extent to which the agent takes into account the differing beliefs of other agents, and a degree of conflict, which represents the extent to which two beliefs are considered to be competing. Computer simulations are used to determine how the opinion dynamics are affected by the inclusion of conflict. Results show that conflict can enhance the formation of consensus within the network in certain circumstances according to one of the models.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)695-704
Number of pages10
JournalAI and Society
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 31 Dec 2019


  • Bounded confidence model
  • Conflicting opinions
  • Opinion dynamics
  • Social network


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