Traditions in Transition: A report for the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on the media representation of loyalism.

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


This is a report on the media representation of Ulster Protestants, unionists and loyalists. It draws upon contemporary research, all of which points to a general negation in the depiction of this broad and heterogeneous section of society. The potential consequences of this lamentable public portrayal are a bias against understanding the politics of Northern Ireland generally, as well as those of unionism and loyalism specifically; poor community self-esteem and alienation; and a hindrance to cross-community dialogue.The report grew out of Traditions in Transition; a community based documentary film project looking at the Loyal Orders in Northern Ireland and was proposed by INTERCOMM as part of the Breaking the Cycle initiative. This initiative seeks to transform the fractured and damaged relations within and between the Ardoyne and Woodvale/Twaddell communities through the delivery of a three stranded approach that focuses on: community cohesion, conflict transformation and building for the future. To compliment this work, Traditions in Transition aims to use the medium of film to give cultural expression to a part of the community that feels misunderstood and maligned in the mainstream media. Specifically the documentary looks at elements of the Orange tradition and loyalist band culture, and it strives to move beyond the objectification of this group and the disabling shibboleths and stereotypes associated with them
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUnknown Publisher
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - May 2015


  • Loyalism
  • media
  • culture


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