To Examine the Impact of Nudging Strategies on Consumer Food Choice: A Focus on High Fibre Product Selection

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Food choice and dietary habits contribute significantly to the current global epidemic of obesity. The prevalence of high-calorie, low-nutrient food choices are consequently raising health issues associated with dietary habits. This systematic review aims to identify interventions within the grocery context which nudge healthier food choices focusing on technology-based interventions. A systematic review of studies published between 2011 and 2023 across five databases, followed the PRISMA structure to identify, screen, and synthesise, the literature to date resulting in 20 studies to be included within the review. Results identified eight nudging techniques across the interventions, all which showed evidence of being effective when used within grocery stores environments including online retail environments. Whilst technology has been used within some studies, it is viewed as a methodological tool in most cases, for example, eye-tracking devices are commonly used to collect data on visual attention and consumer behaviour. By analysing data provided by a range of technological tools, researchers can gain insights into decision-making processes, marketing strategies, and consumer food choice.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2024
EventIrish Academy of Management Annual Conference : Eurosense 2024: A sense of Global Culture - Munster
Duration: 8 Sept 202411 Sept 2024


ConferenceIrish Academy of Management Annual Conference
Internet address


  • Nudging
  • food choice
  • health
  • Technology


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