The University in Crumbs: A Register of Things Seen and Heard

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Short Pitch
Occupying a space in-between conventional scholarship and imaginative storytelling, The University in Crumbs: A Register of Things Seen and Heard is an experimental work that dramatizes the everyday life of the academy.

Main Features
- An experimental work that implicitly and explicitly animates philosophy, social, cultural and political theory in quotidian settings and, in so doing, breathes new life into what can often otherwise remain rather conventional and technical academic language-games.

- Dramatizes ideas and concepts in ways perhaps less burdened by the weight of canonical tradition, thereby encouraging and inspiring readers to similarly use their creative powers to describe and re-describe the social worlds they occupy day and daily.

- Written in a conversational register, and often in dialogical form, it provides an accessible and easy-to-follow series of interrelated narratives that give a concrete sense of the grain, texture and feel for what it might be like to work in the contemporary academy.

- Occupying a space in-between conventional scholarship and imaginative storytelling, University in Crumbs challenges its readers to think about how we come to comprehend the everyday worlds we inhabit, to reflect on the power of language and social interaction in shaping our grasp or apprehension of those worlds, and to acknowledge and foreground the often hidden or unnoticed dramaturgical, compositional and aesthetic nature of our knowledge of such worlds.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRowman & Littlefield
Number of pages150
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 15 Jun 2023


  • Discipline
  • Foucault
  • Academy
  • Thinking
  • Everyday life


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