The transition to technology-enriched supported accommodation (TESA) for people living with dementia: the experience of formal carers

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This paper presents the experiences of formal carers working in technology-enriched supported accommodation for people living with dementia, examining their care-giving role from a person-centred care perspective. Within a qualitative study, 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted with formal carers and data were analysed following a thematic approach. Four main themes were identified that mapped to the attributes of the person-centred practice framework (PCPF): promoting choice and autonomy, staffing model, using assistive technology and feeling that ‘you're doing a good job’. Central to person-centred practice in these settings was the promotion of choice, autonomy and independence. The dichotomy between safety and independence was evident, curtailing the opportunities within the environmental enablers and associated embedded assistive technologies. Formal carers reported considerable job satisfaction working in these settings. The small-scale, home-like facilities seemed to have a positive effect on job satisfaction. These findings are relevant to policy makers, commissioners and service providers, highlighting the facilitators of person-centred care in community dwellings for people living with dementia and the role of formal carers in promoting this approach.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-22
Number of pages22
JournalAgeing and Society
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 4 Jul 2019


  • Dementia care
  • Assistive Technology (AT)
  • Person-centred practice
  • Formal carers
  • Supported accommodation
  • supported accommodation
  • assistive technology
  • formal carers
  • dementia care
  • person-centred practice


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