In recent years the scale and scope of retailer internationalisation activity has grown markedly, mainly through increasing levels of cross-border merger and acquisition activity. This has been particularly prevalent among companies operating in the food retail sector. During this time, and within the context of increased merger and acquisition activity in international markets, the financial institutions have taken an increasingly prominent role in the retail internationalisation process. Explores the nature of the financial institutions’ role in the retailer internationalisation process and, specifically, the extent to which the financial institutions actually inhibit and/or promote retail international activity. A key purpose of this study is to examine some of the drivers and inhibitors of the retailer internationalisation process. Reports the findings from 30 in-depth interviews with food retail analysts of the leading investment banks in the City of London. The findings from this study should help to provide further insights into the nature of the retailer internationalisation process.
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 1391-1408 |
Journal | European Journal of Marketing |
Volume | 37 |
Issue number | 10 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 2003 |
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