“The Restorative Task-People are assets not problems, Human beings not feral animals”

Derick Wilson

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    The use of feral: • the development of a society where relationships are more liquid; •the growth of individualism; •the creation of an underclass; • the loss of interdependent feelings, one for the other.Restorative practices coming from three strands, at least: Reactive:attending to the harm done through harmful behaviours in the vicinity of the criminal justice system; here the emphasis is on building open engagements between the victim, the offender and the community that is impacted so that the behaviour does not occur again; that the offender makes reparation and is invited to still belong; that the victim is no longer fearful and that the wider community has an overview and relationship;Proactive and Developmental: paying attention to relational and organisational cultures in which people move so that the experience of being harmed is less likely; that there are relational ways of meeting, informally and formally,that promote sentiment and understanding; that dilute or resolve tensions as well as organisational practices and cultures that promote understanding, that lessen the likelihood of harm and conflict and that offer agreed procedures if conflicts arise.Respectful Engagements: that restore strength and vitality to civil society and politics and that widen the reach and scope ofrestorative practices into daily life. Strang and Braihwaite, Maxwell, Wright, Wright, Wilson, Morrison, JohnstoneThe restorative challenge The need to take responsibility for relationships.Asserting that we are human beings because of our relationships. The Restorative Confidences we need to develop
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationUnknown Host Publication
    EditorsAileen O'Brien, Kirsten Cooper
    PublisherDún Laoghaire/Rathdown Comenius Regio ‘Restorative Approaches’ Programme
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 15 Jun 2012
    EventApproaches to Restorative Practices in our Schools and Communities -
    Duration: 15 Jun 2012 → …


    ConferenceApproaches to Restorative Practices in our Schools and Communities
    Period15/06/12 → …

    Bibliographical note

    Reference text: 1 Zygmunt Bauman, 2006, Liquid Life: On the Frailty of Human Bonds, Polity Press.
    2 ‘Politics of Well Being’ (Prospect, February 2005).
    3 Bauman, Education in Liquid Modernity. Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, ISSN: 1071 4413 Vol: 27 (4) 2005
    4 Ivan Varcoe quoted in Guardian, April 5, 2003.
    5 Rene Girard, (1986) The Scapegoat, Athlone Press and Roel Kaptein (1993) On the Way of Freedom, Columba press.
    6 Leonard, Liam and Kenny, Paula (2011). Measuring the effectiveness of restorative justice practices in the Republic of Ireland through a meta-analysis of functionalist exchange. The Prison Journal. 91(1):57-80 and Doak, Jonathan and O'Mahony, David (2011). In search of legitimacy: restorative youth conferencing in Northern Ireland. Legal Studies.
    7 Shapland, J., Atkinson, A., Atkinson, H., Dignan, J., Edwards, L., Hibbert, J., Howes, M., Johnstone, J., Robinson, G. and Sorsby, A. (2008) Does restorative justice affect reconviction? The fourth report from the evaluation of three schemes. Ministry of Justice Research Series 10/08. London: Ministry of Justice, at http://www.justice.gov.uk/docs/restorative-justice-report_06-08.pdf (89pp).
    8 Restorative Justice and the Life Course, Heather Strang PhD A paper for the Seminar ‘Restorative Justice in New Arenas’ at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain, 10-11 May 2012.
    Lawrence W Sherman and Heather Strang Restorative Justice: the evidence, the Smith Institute, 2007 10
    Achieving Effective Outcomes in Youth Justice Gabrielle Maxwell Venezia Kingi Jeremy Robertson Allison Morris Chris Cunningham With contribution from Barb Lash, Ministry of Social Development , February 2004 ISBN: 0-478-25142-4
    11 Jenkins, A., Shame, Realisation and Restitution - The Ethics of Restorative Practice, ANZFJT, Vol 27 Giving voice to those who were silent; bringing degrees of order to those who have been leading disordered lives; Opening up relationships for people who had been cut off from many open and trusting relationships. These are discrete and sharp examples of Howard Zehr’s framework for restorative practices.
    12 Drewery, W. 2004, Restorative Practices for Schools: A Resource. , 1st edn, School of Education, University of Waikato., Hamilton, N.Z.
    13 Eyben, Morrow & Wilson, 1997; 2001; 2002.
    14 Restorative Practices in Three Scottish Councils: Final Report of the Evaluation of the First Two Years of the Pilot Projects 2004-2006
    15 Flanagan, H., 2010, Restorative Approaches in Schools Guidance Document 1st edn, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire. 16 Drewery, W. 2004, Restorative Practices for Schools: A Resource. , 1st edn, School of Education, University of
    Waikato., Hamilton, N.Z.
    17 Ian Martin 2003
    18 Zygmunt Bauman (1999)
    19 Ian Martin 2003
    Eyben, Karin, Morrow, Duncan and Wilson, Derick (2002) The Equity, Diversity and Interdependence Framework: A Framework for Organisational Learning and Change. University of Ulster. 112 pp ISBN ISBN 1-85923-160-8
    Nicola Lynagh & Mary Potter, Joined Up, Corrymeela Press, 2005 http://www.ulster.ac.uk/staff/da.wilson.html
    Scott Atran, (2010)Talking with the Enemy, New York: Allen Lane


    • Restorative justice
    • restorative Schools
    • Restorative Approaches


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