The Northern Irish History Curriculum and National Identity

Alan McCully

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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    This chapter traces the evolution of the common curriculum in history in Northern Ireland. It examines its rationale in relation to the presence of conflicting national identities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProfessional Preparation and Professional Development in a Climate of Change
    EditorsDavid Kerr, Cliff O'Neill
    PublisherUniversity of Cumbria
    ISBN (Print)1870863003
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1995

    Bibliographical note

    Reference text: Belstead, Lord [1990] Letter to Don McCoy, chair of NICC.

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    DENI [1989] Education for Mutual Understanding : A Cross Curricular Theme, report of the cross curricular working group, Belfast, HMSO.

    DENI [1990] Proposals for History in the Northern Ireland Curriculum, Belfast, NICC

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    DENI [1991] History Programmes of Study and Attainment Targets, Belfast, HMSO.

    Gallagher C. (1996a) ‘National Identities: Northern Ireland perspective’, paper to SCAA Invitation Conference on Curriculum, Culture and Society, London, 7 February.

    Gallagher C. and McCully A. [1996b] The Contribution of Curriculum Enquiry Projects to Educational Policies in Northern Ireland, in Lemish P. (ed) Education in Deeply Divided Societies: Israel, Northern Ireland and South Africa, Tel Aviv, Ford Foundation.

    Greer J. and McElhenny E. [1985] Irish Christianity, Five Units for Secondary Pupils, Dublin, Gill and MacMillan.

    NICCEA (1996) Revised Orders: History Interim Report

    Magee J. [1970] The Teaching of Irish History in Irish Schools, in The Northern Teacher, Vol. 8, no. 1.

    McAuley J.H. [1994] The Politics of Identity, London, Avebury.

    NICC [1991] History Consultation Report,Belfast.

    O’Connor, F [1993) In Search of a State: Catholics in Northern Ireland, Belfast, Blackstaff Press.

    Robinson A. [1981] The Schools Cultural Studies Project: A Contribution to Peace in Northern Ireland , Coleraine, New University of Ulster.

    Richardson N. [1992] Roots if Not Wings! Where Did EMU Come From?, Keynote address at the conference EMU in Transition, Newcastle, Co. Down, Churches Peace Education Centre, Belfast.

    Skilbeck M. [1973] The School and Cultural Development, in The Northern Teacher Vol. 11 no. 1. Reprinted in Golby M. et al. (ed) [1975] Curriculum Design, London, Croom Helm.

    Slater J. (1995) Teaching History in the New Europe, London, Cassell.


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