The Newfoundland Ice Sheet Shelf (NISS) Survey – Research Cruise: Bay d’Espoir to Burgeo, Newfoundland

J Organ, P Dunlop, S. Benetti, John Shaw, Trevor Bell

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The Newfoundland Ice Sheet Shelf Survey (Cruise CE16010) was a 3.5-day marine survey along the south coast of New-foundland, between Bay d’Espoir and Burgeo. The survey investigated the glacial record by collecting new multibeam, seismic-profile data, and sediment cores.Over 100 nautical miles of multibeam, backscatter and seismic-profile data were collected; in addition, twenty-six sites were sampled and over 37 m of core were collected using both a vibro-corer and gravity corer; target sites were glacial sediments on submarine moraines. The objective of this work is to acquire new multibeam bathymetric, seismic data, and sediment cores on submarine moraines at the mouths of these southern fjords. This data will contribute to the Atlantic Seabed Mapping Initiative, and help to refine the timing and retreat of the Newfoundland Ice Cap during the Late Wisconsinan glaciation.
Original languageEnglish
Article number8
Pages (from-to)135-145
Number of pages10
JournalCurrent Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 6 Mar 2017


  • Newfoundland Ice Sheet
  • Survey
  • Continental shelf
  • moraines
  • marine geophysics
  • sediment cores
  • NIIS


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