The key kinematic determinants of undulatory underwater swimming at maximal velocity

Chris Connaboy, Roozbeh Naemi, Susan Brown, Stelios Psycharakis, Carla McCabe, Simon Coleman, Ross Sanders

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25 Citations (Scopus)


The optimisation of undulatory underwater swimming is highly important in competitive swimming performance. Nineteen kinematic variables were identified from previous research undertaken to assess undulatory underwater swimming performance. The purpose of the present study was to determine which kinematic variables were key to the production of maximal undulatory underwater swimming velocity. Kinematic data at maximal undulatory underwater swimming velocity were collected from 17 skilled swimmers. A series of separate backward-elimination analysis of covariance models was produced with cycle frequency and cycle length as dependent variables (DVs) and participant as a fixed factor, as including cycle frequency and cycle length would explain 100% of the maximal swimming velocity variance. The covariates identified in the cycle-frequency and cycle-length models were used to form the saturated model for maximal swimming velocity. The final parsimonious model identified three covariates (maximal knee joint angular velocity, maximal ankle angular velocity and knee range of movement) as determinants of the variance in maximal swimming velocity (adjusted-r(2) = 0.929). However, when participant was removed as a fixed factor there was a large reduction in explained variance (adjusted r(2) = 0.397) and only maximal knee joint angular velocity continued to contribute significantly, highlighting its importance to the production of maximal swimming velocity. The reduction in explained variance suggests an emphasis on inter-individual differences in undulatory underwater swimming technique and/or anthropometry. Future research should examine the efficacy of other anthropometric, kinematic and coordination variables to better understand the production of maximal swimming velocity and consider the importance of individual undulatory underwater swimming techniques when interpreting the data.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1036-1043
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Sports Sciences
Issue number11
Early online date14 Sept 2015
Publication statusPublished online - 14 Sept 2015


  • Maximum velocity
  • cycle frequency
  • cycle length
  • sport science support


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