Currently, there is a growing body ofevidence that demonstrates an increase ininterest in the use and application of yieldmanagement (YM) within the tourismindustry. Speci®cally within the UK hotelsector, the extensive application of YM can befound in organisations that bene®t fromeconomies of scale and resources, namely thecorporate sector. It can be expected that as theinterest in and application of YM continuesto increase some of the traditionalcomponents of the role of the hotel generalmanager may change. Indeed, the shift infocus from traditional capacity managementtechniques to those of revenue optimisationintroduces some new managerial approaches,which may be enhanced with the traditional`hospitality' nature of the industry.This paper reports the ®ndings of a studythat focused on the accommodationmanagement techniques of the generalmanagers in 300 UK corporate hotels. Theresearch examined the impact that YM has onthe role of the general manager based onMintzberg's classi®cation of roles andArnaldo's sector-speci®c study. It presentsevidence that the application of yieldtechniques are found to in¯uence the timeand importance that managers attach to keymanagerial roles. In addition, the studyhighlights that ®ve key job components areranked differently by hotel managers whopractice extensive yield techniques, as
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 217-228 |
Journal | Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research |
Volume | 4 |
Issue number | 3 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 1998 |
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