The Doctor - From painting to figurine

Research output: Other contribution

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This is the accepted author manuscript of an opinion piece that was published as part of an article by Tomoaki Ito, Senior Staff Writer, The Asahi Shimbun. The article was first published in Japanese on 10.06.2020 and later published in English on 17.07.2020. This article focuses on the discovery of a ceramic figurine which was inspired by Sir Luke Fildes' painting The Doctor. The article mentions Christopher McHugh's research on figurines in Seto and includes the essay by McHugh, where he reflects on the significance of the painting and its ceramic representation in terms of the coronavirus pandemic.
Original languageEnglish
TypeNewspaper article
Media of outputonline and print
PublisherThe Asahi Shimbun
Number of pages1
Place of PublicationJapan
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2020


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