The Demolition of Paga Hill

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site


The following case study traces the origins, and impact, of this state-sanctioned demolition at Paga Hill, Port Moresby. It will begin by examining Paga Hill’s chequered administration by the Department of Lands and Physical Planning (Lands Department); a government agency with a documented reputation for corruption, serial mismanagement and impunity. Attention will then be turned to a web of companies intimately connected with the developer. These companies, it will be revealed, have featured in no less than nine official inquiries into corruption and public mismanagement. Nevertheless, the developer continues to enjoy ministerial support. In the penultimate section of this case study, the events leading up to the 12 May demolition will be examined, before the eviction itself, and its aftermath, are documented. The broader themes raised by the demolition will be noted in the conclusion.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInternational State Crime Initiative
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Oct 2012


  • forced eviction
  • land confiscation
  • state crime
  • corporate crime
  • human rights


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