The convergence of ICT, policy, intermediaries and society for technology transfer: evidence from European innovation projects

Brendan Galbraith, Rodney McAdam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


This is an editorial by Brendan Galbraith and Rodney McAdam that introduces the special issue that they guest edited and reviews the interplay of ICT, policy, intermediaries and society for technology transfer, from a European perspective. The editorial also reviews key messages from the Foreword written by Bror Salmelin, Advisor of Innovation Systems for DG CONNECT at the EC.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)249-252
JournalTechnology Analysis & Strategic Management
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 23 Mar 2013

Bibliographical note

Reference text: 1. European Commission. 2007. A lead market initiative for europe. European Commission, Brussels.
2. Galbraith, B., M. Mulvenna, R. McAdam, and S. Martin. 2008. Open innovation in connected health: An empirical study and research agenda. In Conference on Open Innovation: Creating Products and Services through Collaboration (ISPIM-2008), Tours, France. Manchester, UK: ISPIM.
3. Galbraith, B., and McAdam, R. 2011. The promise and problem with open innovation. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 23: 1–6.


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