The Consequences of the Cuts to Education for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland

Ciara Fitzpatrick, Victoria Simms, Colin Murray, Noel Purdy, Karen Orr, Barbara McConnell, Suzanne McCartney, Rebecca Loader, John McMullen

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


This report is intended to support colleagues working in education and with communities across Northern Ireland (NI) in responding to the severe budget cuts which they face. It is also intended to inform the general public of the cumulative impact of the ongoing cuts and to warn public representatives, officials and the UK and Irish Governments of the far-reaching societal impact of
this sudden imposition of austerity measures on education provision in NI. The team of authors each address specific issues within our own areas of academic expertise, but as a collective we make the case for ending the reliance on civil servants to make policy decisions, reversing the cuts that have already been made, halting further cuts and urging those in public office to provide enhanced protection for section 75 groups, protected by the equality provisions of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, who will be most affected by this sudden shift in public policy.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 27 Jun 2023


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