The CADENCE pilot trial – Promoting physical activity in bladder cancer survivors: A protocol paper

Lee Smith, Anne Carrie, Mark Tully, Yvonne Barnett, Laurie Butler, Claire Gillvray, Rosie Lindsay, Adam Abbs, Mike Trott, Olawale Olanrewaju, Lin Yang, Cristian Petre Ilie

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Participation in physical activity has been found to be beneficial for mental and physical health outcomes among cancer survivors. However, to date no intervention exists specifically to promote physical activity among bladder cancer survivors. In light of this knowledge a home-based exercise intervention was co-created for those recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. The aim of the present study, financially supported by Action Bladder Cancer UK [1], is to pilot the home-based exercise intervention tailored specifically for bladder cancer survivors (i.e. from the point of diagnosis) to improve physical and mental health outcomes (during treatment and beyond) in this population. This study will use a randomised controlled trial design. Arm one will consists of the 14 week home-based exercise intervention and arm two usual care (15 participants will be randomised to each arm). Baseline data collection will take place shortly after clinical diagnosis of bladder cancer, and follow-up approximately 7 weeks and then again approximately 14 weeks after commencement of the intervention. At each data collection point data will be collected from participants relating to demographics, physical and mental health. Participants will aslo be asked to wear an Actigraph Accelerometer at each data collection point for seven consecutive days. Immediately after baseline data collection participants in the intervention arm will be given the home-based exercise booklet. Ethical approval was obtained for the present study via The London- City and East Research Ethics Committee (ID:291676). Results of this study will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and scientific presentations. [Abstract copyright: © 2021 The Authors.]
Original languageEnglish
Article number100809
Number of pages4
JournalContemporary Clinical Trials Communications
Early online date18 Jun 2021
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 30 Jun 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The aim of the present study, financially supported by Action Bladder Cancer UK 1 , is to pilot a home-based exercise intervention tailored specifically for bladder cancer survivors (i.e. from the point of diagnosis) to improve physical and mental health outcomes (during treatment and beyond) in this population.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Authors


  • Bladder cancer
  • Cancer survivor
  • Co-design intervention
  • Home-based exercise


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