Terminology in a New World of Service User Involvement

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Focus: To facilitate debate around a universal language for partnership working with people with lived experience in higher education(HE).

Challenge: There is a mandate for partnership working to be embedded into curriculum delivery in HE. Within healthcare programmes, language used to describe collaboration with people with lived experience varies. For example, social work defines contributors as citizen educators while allied health professional bodies use the term service users. Moving forward with a universal language that is inclusive to the preferences of services users, reduces hierarchy in collaborative working, and advances the field with a common language.

Workshop Activities:
Section 1 (10min): Presenting the Challenge – Overview of language used in different context.
Section 2 (30min): World café approach to collaborative discussion and feedback between attendees focusing on three aspects: 1) identification of language used in different settings and why; 2) language that should not be moved away from; 3) Consensus of language.
Section 3 (10min): Moving forward with universal language as an outcome from discussion.

Taking an interprofessional approach to language aims to reduce siloed working and foster a culture of involvement at an institutional level in higher education. This is only possible with common language, as inconsistency in terminology is impacting progress. This workshop aims to synthesis viewpoints of a range of diverse stakeholders as a first step towards building a common language.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 15 May 2024
EventAuthenticity to Action Conference : Showcasing Excellence in Public and Patient Involvement in Health and Social Care Education - Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Duration: 15 May 202417 May 2024


ConferenceAuthenticity to Action Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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