Technological childbirth in northern Jordan:descriptive findings from a prospective cohort study

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Background. In 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that no country should have an induction rate higherthan 10%. Inappropriate use of induction technology in childbirth is leading to higher rates of induction, more instrumentalbirth and lower rates of vaginal birth. Many countries do not routinely collect data on induction and this study wasundertaken in Jordan in 2004, where this type of data were not collected.Aim. This paper provides a description of one small aspect of a large doctoral study and presents the first baseline data onbirth outcomes for a prospective, self-selected cohort of 200 primiparous women, who gave birth in one major maternityhospital in Northern Jordan.Method. An exploratory, descriptive approach was necessary to collect data from a prospective cohort of women booking fortheir first pregnancy at one large maternity unit. A convenience sample was selected and all women who booked for their firstpregnancy in one major unit during the 12-week period allocated to recruitment were eligible to participate (n=530). Datawere analysed using SPSS version 11 and will be presented in this paper descriptively. Ethical approval was granted from theHuman Subject Committee at Jordan University of Science and Technology.Findings. Although 530 primiparous women booked during the study period, a full data set of three entries for eachparticipant was available for only 200 women. Of these, the majority (n=161, 81%) underwent induction of labour. Half(n=100) of the babies were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit for resuscitation after birth and 19 were re-admittedto hospital within the first four weeks, mainly due to respiratory problems. A total of 25 mothers (13%) were re-admittedto hospital within four weeks of birth with urinary tract infection, anaemia, mastitis and wound infection. This research waslimited due to the lack of randomisation, geographical clustering and the need for multi-centre involvement. However, itdemonstrates sufficient evidence to support the recommendation for the development of a national data set on maternal andinfant morbidity and mortality (including induction rates), as well as the development of a national policy for the promotionof ‘normal’ birth. Further international research in this area is required in order to pool data.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)130-135
JournalEvidence Based Midwifery
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2008

Bibliographical note

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