Teaching History and Educating for Citizenship: Allies or ‘Uneasy Bedfellows’ in a Post-Conflict Context?

Alan McCully

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    8 Citations (Scopus)
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    The chapter explores Slater’s distinction between the intrinsic and extrinsic aims of history teaching. It examines the tensions between history's intrinsic value as a discrete academic discipline within the school curriculum and extrinsic purposes increasingly ascribed to it that it should play a central role in bringing about social change in post-conflict situations. The chapter draws on existing research to identify working principles for the contribution history teaching might make in post conflict situations. The intrinsic / extrinsic tension is then discussed in the curriculum context of history's relationship with citizenship education. Finally, it is critiqued through the aims, resources and practice of four recent initiatives introduced into Northern Irish history teaching. The paper concludes by re-visiting the key principles and raising questions for debate.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTeaching and Learning Difficult Histories in International Contexts: A Critical Sociocultural Approach
    EditorsTerrie Epstein, Carla Peck
    Place of PublicationNew York
    Number of pages15
    ISBN (Print)9781138702479
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 24 Oct 2017

    Publication series

    NameRoutledge Research in International and Comparative Education


    • History Education
    • Post Conflict societies
    • Controversial Issues
    • Citizenship
    • Northern Ireland


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