This report presents the findings of a five year longitudinal study (2006-2011) carried out by TheCentre for Young Men’s Studies at the University of Ulster in collaboration with YouthAction Northern Ireland and funded by the Department of Education and the Department of Justice.The research was initiated in response to concerns about boys’ educational underachievement and wider concerns about boys’ health and well-being. The longitudinal aspect of the study makes a significant contribution to how we can better understand and appreciate reasons why certain boys may struggle at school and therefore not achieve more successful educational outcomes.
Original language | English |
Publisher | Ulster University |
Number of pages | 112 |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 28 Nov 2012 |
Bibliographical note
The report has made recommendations aimed at schools, principals, policy makers and practitioners which have important pedagogical implications for teaching, engaging and working with boys. Equally important it also offers many pragmatic and cost neutral ways to support teachers in the classroom to help boys make better connections between school and their wider social, emotional and developmental needs. This is not to suggest that this will be easy. Rather it may mean all those who are concerned about boys being more committed to ‘Taking Boys Seriously’ and becoming more conscious of the need to find creative and gender specific ways to engage, support and excite boys throughout their education and development.Reference text: REFERENCES
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- Boys educational underachievement
- barriers to learning
- masculinity
- violence
- youth work methodologies
- relationships