Tackling a tidal wave: sound nutrition knowledge today for a better tomorrow…

Research output: Other contributionpeer-review


What is the problem we are facing?
Perhaps the only constant phenomenon in the world is that it is constantly
changing. However, some changes
are cumulative over time and present
global challenges at an unprecedented
scale. The facts are striking: the ever-increasing population with greater
survival at both ends of the life course
seeks to thrive against the tide of limited
resources as the sustainability of global
food security is brought into question, but at the same time, increasingly
urbanised populations are exposed to
exaggerated and energy-dense food
environments that place individuals at
risk of oversupply. This presents us with
a complex triad of malnutrition, and
permutations of undernutrition, overnutrition and specific nutrient deficiencies
that co-exist within any given population. Tackling this triple burden requires
a coordinated and agile approach to
the generation, as well as application
of nutrition knowledge to equip policy-makers or practitioners with the tools
required to combat acute and chroni
Original languageEnglish
PublisherBMJ Specialist Journals
ISBN (Print)2516-5542
Publication statusPublished online - 11 Jul 2018


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