T5 Field Cinema: NEW SPACES: Zombie Line: Wire and the Wheel

Dan Shipsides (Artist), Neal Beggs (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance

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Zombie Line – Wheel and Wire. VAI, NEW SPACES Ebrington Parade Ground, Derry~Londonderry. T5 Field Cinema event. Dec 1st 2018 Screening programme: The Red Star is the Pulse of the Forest. Petra Dominova. 2018 (image 4) Zombie Line. Shipsides & Beggs Projects. 2015 (images1, 8 and 9) Imperial City. Conor Mc Feely. 2008 (images 2 and 5) Crow Trap. Callum Hill. 2018 (images 3 and 4) Zombie Line – Wheel and Wire. T5 Field Cinema Screening. Shipsides and Beggs Projects and friends. NEW SPACES – Visual Artist Ireland 5.30-7.00pm 1st December 2018 Walled City Brewery, Ebrington Square & Parade Ground. Derry/Londonderry. Parked outside the Walled City Brewery for one night, this T5FC "frostbite" event comprised a show-reel screening and performative (with singing) presentation. Shipsides (in person) and Beggs (in virtual form) presented contextual and anecdotal material circulating around their film Zombie Line (2015), an open work which connects two key motifs - the bicycle wheel and the partition wire - both of which become connected to other works, motifs, periods and histories. The location provides a contextual resonance to many of the themes encountered in the screening event which will also the include recent Berwick Film Festival award winner Callum Hill’s Crowtrap (2018), Derry/Londonderry-based artist Conor McFeely’s Imperial City (2008) and Belfast-based Petra Dominova’s The Red Star is the Pulse of the Forest (2018). Dan Shipsides (based Belfast) and Neal Beggs (based Nantes) frequently work in partnership as Shipsides and Begg Projects. It is a mutually enriching relationship based on friendship, trust and the divergent unknowns each may bring to their projects. Alice Butler is a writer, film programmer and curator. She is co-director of aemi (Artist Experimental Moving Image), a Dublin-based initiative that supports and regularly exhibits artist & experimental moving image work in cinema or event-based settings. 5.30pm Sat 1 December 2018 The Walled City Brewery, Derry/Londonderry Dress for the weather. Rain shelter and (limited number of) seating provided. VAI feature: https://visualartistsireland.com/productive-friction
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Dec 2018
EventZombie Line – Wheel and Wire.: T5 Field Cinema Screening. Shipsides and Beggs Projects and friends. - Walled City Brewery, Ebrington Square & Parade Ground, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Duration: 1 Dec 20181 Dec 2018


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