Synthesis of Low Molecular Weight Flavor Esters Using Plant Seedling Lipases in Organic Media

M. Liaquat, Richard KO Apenten

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48 Citations (Scopus)


Powders from germinated seedlings of wheat, barley, rapeseed, maize, and linola synthesized low molecular weight flavor esters in an organic medium (hexane). Direct esterification of acetic, butyric, and caproic acids, with ethanol, butanol, isopentanol, or (Z)-3- hexen-l-ol was achieved. Of the systems examined, germinated rapeseed showed the highest degree of flavor synthesis. (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate and (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl caproate were produced with yields of about 96%. Butyl butyrate, isopentyl butyrate, butyl caproate and isopentyl caproate were produced at 80% yield. Linola seedling powder gave yields of ≤63% for ethyl acetate and butyl acetate. More moderate (40%) yields were obtained with barley and maize seedling powders. Rapeseed seedling powder is a convenient and inexpensive catalyst for preparing low molecular weight esters in organic media.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)295
JournalJournal of Food Science
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2000


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