Subsidiary Protection Case Law Project

Liam Thornton, Deirdre Morgan, Claire Cumiskey, Sian Langley, Siobhan Mullally, Meave McDonagh, Brian Hanley, Claire Lyons

    Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site

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    This project was undertaken following discussions with the Refugee Legal Service, Cork, on the need for an easily accessible and comprehensive case law resource, for use in subsidiary protection claims. With the introduction of a subsidiary protection regime in Ireland in October, 2006, the unmet legal need arising from the absence of such a resource became increasingly urgent. With this case law resource, the Migration Law Clinic, has produced an invaluable research tool. This resource is aimed at all those involved in the asylum determination process. In particular, we hope that the project will be of assistance to decision makers and to the busy legal practitionerThis case-book marks a further practical contribution which the Migration Law Clinic, is continually making in bridging the gap between formal legal education and the legal world in action. It is hoped that this project will be the template for further interaction between the Centre and the wider legal community.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherCentre for Criminal Justice & Human Rights
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 19 Mar 2007


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