Studia Celto-Slavica 9: Journal of the Learned Association Societas Celto-Slavica, volume 9

Maxim Fomin (Editor), Séamus Mac Mathúna (Editor), Tatyana Mikhailova (Editor), Dafydd Johnston (Editor), Jadranka Gvozdanovic, Gary German, Elena Parina, Maria Bloch-Trojnar, Mark Ó Fionnáin, Sabine Asmus, Sylwester Jaworski

Research output: Book/ReportAnthologypeer-review

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The volume contains articles from the 8th International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica at the University of Heidelberg, including the colloquium summary by J. Gvozdanović (‘Celto-Slavica in Heidelberg’). G. German (‘Which linguistic model for Brittany?’) asks whether to promote the traditionally transmitted Breton language varieties spoken naturally, or the new standardized language. M. Bloch-Trojnar (‘Semantic (ir)regularities in action nouns in Irish’) demonstrates that the patterns of polysemy of verbal nouns in Modern Irish are constrained by the lexical semantics of the base verbs. M. Ó Fionnáin (‘Opportunities seized: From Tolstóigh to Pelévin’) takes a fresh look at several Irish-language translations from the original Russian. E. Parina focuses on ‘Multiple versions of Breuddwyd Pawl as a source to study the work of Welsh translators’, examining how
a comparison between multiple translations from differing sources can provide us with new insights. S. Jaworski and S. Asmus (‘An acoustic study of Welsh rhotics’) analysed a variation of rhotic phonemes of 23 Welsh speakers, 21% of the tokens classified as aspirated trills. Sometimes replaced with various fortis fricatives, or with the glottal [h], Welsh aspirated rhotic resembles the Slavic palatalised /rʲ/ replaced with the fricative /ʒ/ in Polish.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrest
PublisherCentre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique
Number of pages139
ISBN (Print)979-10-92331-43-1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 17 Dec 2018

Publication series

NameStudia Celto-Slavica
ISSN (Print)2058-9050


  • Breton language
  • Modern Irish
  • Welsh translations
  • polysemy of verbal noun
  • Breuddwyd Pawl
  • Modern Irish translations
  • Rhotics


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