Students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness: a structural modelling approach

Maurice Stringer, P Irwing

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21 Citations (Scopus)


Background. While studies of students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness (SETEs) have a long history in the United States, few studies have been carried out with United Kingdom students. Aims. This paper examines the utility of using a questionnaire approach to assess teaching effectiveness with United Kingdom students. Structural modelling was used to examine perceived relationships between teacher, course and student characteristics. Sample. A total of 1708 full-time undergraduate students undertaking degrees in health and social science courses at the University of Ulster participated in the study. Method. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and structural modelling techniques (LISREL 8) were employed to investigate participants' responses to the Teaching Effectiveness Survey, a measure of students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness. Results. Perceived Teaching Quality was found to be related to course characteristics. Teacher, course and student characteristics together explained 88 per cent of the variance in students' Overall Evaluations with Teaching Quality, course and student characteristics explaining 42 per cent, 18 per cent and 28 per cent respectively. Conclusion. The results suggest that questionnaire items derived from American studies can be used effectively with United Kingdom students. Students' perceptions of overall course effectiveness were found to be dependent on student and course characteristics as well as teacher inputs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)409-426
JournalBritish Journal of Educational Psychology
Issue numberPart 3
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Sept 1998


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