Spatial analysis of Northern Ireland trade over the period 2014 to 2020: Spatial analysis of NI trade

Ann-Marie Ward, Esmond Birnie, Stuart Henderson, Frederick Booth, Thomas Bell

Research output: Other contribution


The vision for Northern Ireland set out in the “10X Economy” is an innovation-led growth underpinned by trade and investment (Department for the Economy, 2021). Trade is critical to the amplification of benefits emerging from innovatory success and is crucial to Northern Irish development.

Northern Ireland has significant variability in trade endowments across the region. Coupled with this, the UK’s exit from the European Union has reconfigured trading norms for Northern Ireland - most obviously via an increased administrative burden and physical checks.

This combination of emerging policy and political change, alongside geographic heterogeneity, represents a timely setting in which to examine Northern Irish trading behaviour at regional level.

Our study uses the de-identified Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry (NIABI) dataset, including the Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics (BESES) dataset which contains data on trade sources and destinations. We examine the trading ecosystem that prevails for Northern Irish businesses, with a particular focus on activity at regional level.
Original languageEnglish
TypeData insight
Media of outputOnline publication
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished online - 1 May 2023


  • Trade
  • Gross value added
  • Sectoral analysis
  • economy
  • Northern Ireland


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