Solar photocatalysis: Materials, reactors, some commercial, and pre-industrialized applications. A comprehensive approach

Danilo Spasiano, Raffaele Marotta, Sixto Malato, Pilar Fernandez-Ibanez, Ilaria Di Somma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

594 Citations (Scopus)


In the future, solar energy, along with other renewable resources, could play a key role in mass productionof fine chemicals. It could also potentially solve environmental problems, as demonstrated by recentdevelopments in the use of solar energy, such as solar photocatalysis. The solar photocatalytic technologyhas been demonstrated to be effective for:• Treating groundwater, drinking water, industrial wastewater, and air and soil pollution,• Water disinfection, and• Industrial production of fine chemicals.This report summarizes the current status of solar photocatalysis and identifies future opportunitiesfor research and industry in this field, including recent relevant bibliography. The main commercial solarphotocatalytic applications are described, included the technologies based on sunlight for antifoggingand self-cleaning of coating materials, glass, and concrete. An overview of several different solar photoreactorsand the main operating process parameters are also provided. For the estimation of capitalcosts, it is suggested the use of appropriate “figures of merit”. The present review would be of interestfor researchers, technologists, engineers, and industrialists.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)90-123
JournalApplied Catalysis B: Environmental
Early online date7 Jan 2015
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jul 2015


  • Solar photocatalysis
  • Solar photoreactors
  • Solar chemical production
  • Solar photocatalytic technology
  • Green photochemistry


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