Social and Cognitive Affordances of Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This anthology on learning spaces in higher education explores the extent to which the computer lab and other formal and informal learning spaces offer a viable alternative to the traditional design studio in supporting students to learn collaboratively and be creative. We define learning space as the various places where teaching and learning occur, including formal and informal locations as well as those in both physical and virtual environments. Foreword -- Ch.1. Practising learning space design / Lennie Scott-Webber, John Branch, Paul Bartholomew, and Claus Nygaard -- Ch.2. The design of distributed learning spaces / Ieva Stupans -- Ch.3. The spaces of relational learning and their impact on student engagement / Jos Boys and Diane Hazlett -- Ch.4. Enhancing student learning through the management of technology-rich physical learning spaces for flexible teaching / Jennifer Rowley -- Ch.5. Social and cognitive affordances of physical and virtual learnign spaces / Nicola Bartholomew and Paul Bartholomew -- Ch.6. Promoting collaborative and interdisciplinary learning via migration between different learning spaces / Silke Lange and John R. A. Smith -- Ch.7. Perceptions and conceptions of learning spaces in higher education / Steve drew and Christopher Klopper -- Ch.8. Promoting student reflection through considerate design of a virtual learning space / Kayoko Enomoto and Richard Warner -- Ch.9. The perfect storm; Education's immediate challenges / Lennie Scott-Webber -- Ch.10. faculty development: Precursor to effective student engagement in the high education learning space / Gary M. Pavlechko and Kathleen L. Jacobi -- Ch.11. Designing a learning space for creativity and collaboration: From studio to computer lab in design education / Ryan Daniel and Katja Fleischmann -- Ch.12. The active agency of learning spaces / Aileen Strickland -- Ch.13. Colelctive learning spacesL: Constraints on pedagogic excellence / Clive Holtham and Annemarie Cancienne -- Ch.14. The doctoral student-supervisor relationship as a negotiated learning space / B. Liezel Frick, Eva M. Brodin and Ruth M. Albertyn -- Ch.15. Using the theory and practice of " built pedagogy" to inform learning space design / Eva Dobozy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLearning space design in higher education
PublisherLibri Publishing
Number of pages1
ISBN (Print)9781909818385
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2014


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