Seed Heads

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Applying the theory of utilization formed an integral role of the research methodology with this piece. Drawing on inspiration from the natural environment the research developed into a sculptural artefact which questions the boundaries of the silver landscape within the context of the contemporary table setting. The funding for this piece came from NESTA . As the outcome of this body of research culminate in a functional item for the Top Table of the Great Hall at Queens University, Belfast , the initial research explored the architecture of the Great Hall at Queens University, Belfast. Seed Heads is on permanent display in the Silver Sounds exhibition at Queens University. The exhibition won the Times Higher Innovation and Excellence Award in 2008.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationQueens University, Belfast
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2008

Bibliographical note

Dimensions: 42cm x 42cm x 40cm
Photography credit David Pauley@The Studio

Winner of the Times Higher Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Arts 2008
Outputmediatype: Silver and Wenge


  • silver tableware Cara Murphy ritual ceremony dining candles silversmith


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