Security Vetting in Northern Ireland: Loyalty, Redress and Citizenship

Ciaran White, Kieran McEvoy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The notion of 'loyalty' is one that inevitably infuses any system of security vettingset up to establish mechanisms to prevent the disclosure of information whichcould be considered a threat to the security of the state or its citizens. Loyalty,however, is a problematic concept even in jurisdictions with an arguably morehomogenous body politic than Northern Ireland.2 As we shall seek to demonstratein this article, those difficulties are considerably exacerbated in a region where asignificant minority explicitly offer their political allegiance to a differentjurisdiction and where there have been persistent periods of political violenceassociated with that conflict of identity and allegiance.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)341-361
JournalModern Law Review
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1998


  • security vetting
  • transitional justice
  • human rights


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