SCALE: the practice of Landscape Architecture

Emily Smyth, Susanna Best

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

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    SCALE: a measure of proportion, time, management, change and diversity – all essential matters of the practice of landscape architecture.Exhibition Format and Content:Detailing the ‘practice’ of landscape architecture, the exhibition contains diverse pieces of work, representing the elements which together make landscape architecture schemes and projects. Broadly, these elements include:• Feasibility: Site and context conditions and issues, and feasibility for assessment and change• Evaluation: Initial evaluation, preliminary ideas, sketch proposals• Concept and Design: Engagement with users, client, publicity, proposal drawings, impact assessment statements• Implementation: Information prepared for implementation – contracts, specification, drawings, management proposals, policy documents• Management and change: Record of change: before implementation, during implementation, on completion, maturing, replacement…All of this material is core to the practice of landscape architecture. The exhibition content does not necessarily comprise comprehensive or ‘completed’ projects – each element may be part of a greater whole, the start of something still to come, or something created some time ago which still retains its relevance. Overall the elements showcase the range of skills embedded in landscape architecture. This material encompasses a range of formats: hand‐drafted and printed paper, presentation composition, digital media (PowerPoint, video, fly‐through), photograph, published documents, masterplans and details, models, and actual site materials.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 17 Feb 2010
    EventSCALE: the practice of Landscape Architecture - University of Ulster Belfast campus, Foyer / York Street, Belfast BT15 1ED
    Duration: 17 Feb 201028 Apr 2010

    Bibliographical note

    Outputmediatype: various: reports, drawings, videos, computer fly-thru, plants, street furniture, paving


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