RILEM TC 247-DTA round robin test: mix design and reproducibility of compressive strength of alkali-activated concretes

John L. Provis, Kamel Arbi, Susan A. Bernal, Dali Bondar, Anja Buchwald, Arnaud Castel, Sundararaman Chithiraputhiran, Martin Cyr, Alireza Dehghan, Katja Dombrowski-Daube, Ashish Dubey, Vilma Ducman, Gregor J.G. Gluth, Sreejith Nanukuttan, Karl Peterson, Francisca Puertas, Arie van Riessen, Manuel Torres-Carrasco, Guang Ye, Yibing Zuo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

60 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of RILEM TC 247-DTA ‘Durability Testing of Alkali-Activated Materials’ is to identify and validate methodologies for testing the durability of alkali-activated concretes. To underpin the durability testing work of this committee, five alkali-activated concrete mixes were developed based on blast furnace slag, fly ash, and flash-calcined metakaolin. The concretes were designed with different intended performance levels, aiming to assess the capability of test methods to discriminate between concretes on this basis. A total of fifteen laboratories worldwide participated in this round robin test programme, where all concretes were produced with the same mix designs, from single-source aluminosilicate precursors and locally available aggregates. This paper reports the mix designs tested, and the compressive strength results obtained, including critical insight into reasons for the observed variability in strength within and between laboratories.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalMaterials and Structures
Issue number5
Early online date10 Sept 2019
Publication statusPublished online - 10 Sept 2019


  • Alkali-activated concretes
  • Blast furnace slag
  • Compressive strength
  • Fly ash
  • Metakaolin
  • Round robin


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