Remote operation: A selective review of research into visual depth perception

Anthony Reinhardt-Rutland

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    20 Citations (Scopus)


    Some perceptual motor operations are performed remotely; examples include, the handling of life-threatening materials and surgical procedures. A camera conveys the site of operation to a TV monitor, so depth perception relies mainly on pictorial information, perhaps with enhancement of the occlusion cue by motion. However, motion information such as motion parallax is not likely to be important. The effectiveness of pictorial information is diminished by monocular and binocular information conveying flatness of the screen and by difficulties in scaling: Only a degree of relative depth can be conveyed. Furthermore, pictorial information can mislead. Depth perception is probably adequate in remote operation, if target objects are well separated, with well-defined edges and familiar shapes. Stereoscopic viewing systems are being developed to introduce binocular information to remote operation. However, stereoscopic viewing is problematic because binocular disparity conflicts with convergence and monocular information. An alternative strategy to improve precision in remote operation may be to rely on individuals who lack binocular function: There is redundancy in depth information, and such individuals seem to compensate for the lack of binocular function.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)237-248
    JournalJournal of General Psychology
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jul 1996


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