Reinforcement of learning across the continuum of Education: A Scoping Review

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Introduction: Behaviorism is a paradigm of learning which covers various learning theories proposed by behavioral psychologists over the past century. Although, most of these theories have now become obsolete, due to a better understanding of the learning process, some terminologies such as Skinner’s “reinforcement” still find their place in modern day education. Reinforcement is a broad term and involves reiteration or enhancement of learning or behavior.

Objectives: The present study undertakes a scoping review to identify evidence showing the role of reinforcement strategies on student learning in medical education

Eligibility criteria: Research papers describing any teaching learning strategy or educational intervention that used Reinforcement of learning at any time during the learning process.

Sources of evidence: Online databases were used to identify articles in the years 2009–2019, from which 10 publications from Canada & the United States and 6 from other nations were selected after meeting inclusion criteria.

Charting methods: Data collected from the sources was charted with the help of a self-developed form, inclusive of Names of Authors & year of publication, type of article, country of origin, sample size, objectives & key findings of study

Results: This scoping review shows that reinforcement strategies still have a high impact on student learning and reinforcing the taught material in medical education enhances student learning and retention.

Conclusion: Reinforcement of taught material has a positive impact on student learning in modern day medical education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)154-164
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of the Dow University of Health Sciences
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 28 Dec 2019


  • Reinforcement
  • learning
  • reinforcement of learning
  • education
  • medical education
  • higher education


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