Redressing Users' Disadvantage: Proposals for Tribunal Reform in Northern Ireland

Gráinne McKeever, Brian Thompson

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


This Report provides a package of reform proposals for tribunals in Northern Ireland. There are two elements to the project. The first is a small, qualitative study of users of three different tribunals to understand the users' experience of tribunals in Northern Ireland. The second element is a scoping study which explored, in interviews, the parameters, operational issues, possibilities and difficulties of tribunal reform, as well as the current gap in the arrangements for the oversight and accountability of tribunals. The Report's recommendations are presented around the themes of users, processes, judicial leadership, structures, system review and a roadmap indicating tasks and a schedule for their implementation.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherLaw Centre (NI)
Number of pages96
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jun 2010


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