Reconstructing the last Newfoundland Ice Sheet through the last glacial cycle (~28ka-10ka yr BP)

Maureen McHenry, P Dunlop

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

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Ice sheets are an integral part of the global climate system and are recognised as both responding to and driving climatic change. Concerns of instability and increased melting rates observed in contemporary ice sheets and the potential impact of these on global sea-levels, has led to a need to establish how ice sheets respond to external forcing over long-time periods. An established methodology is to use the glacial landform record to reconstruct palaeo-ice sheet behaviour which provides critical information on how ice-sheets respond to external forcing through entire glacial cycles. The former Newfoundland Ice-sheet is of particular significance due to its position on the fringes of the North
Atlantic and the much larger North American Laurentide Ice Sheet. Analyses of this record can provide new information on wider ice sheet-ocean-atmosphere interactions in this region. The aims of this project are to systematically map the glaciated landscape in Newfoundland using satellite remote sensing and use this data to reconstruct the dynamic history of the former Newfoundland ice
sheet during the last glacial cycle. This poster presents the initial results from the mapping programme and shows the distribution of subglacial landforms in eastern Newfoundland which are used to reconstruct the former ice flow pathways.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 14 Apr 2012
EventIrish Quaternary Association: Spring Meeting - Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
Duration: 14 Apr 201214 Apr 2012


ConferenceIrish Quaternary Association
Abbreviated titleIQUA
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Newfoundland Ice Sheet


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