In Part One of this lecture I set out four aspects of the desired future of reconciliation I consider we should work for here through civic, political, public and citizen action. 1. A diverse and interdependent society.2. A reconciling future that is promoted relationally and structurally.3. An intercultural future where we embed openness to diversity, reject racist actions in our organisational cultures and promote an openness to the wider world in our civic and societal norms.4. A future where there is lower social inequality and the successful are committed to, and engaged with, the under-achieving.The desired future I seek is:A future where reconciliation, securing equality of opportunity and good relations and the future economic success and sustainability of this region, are promoted as deeply inter-related themes and argued for, and addressed, in the actions of public, civic, faith, trade union, political and community interests.In Part Two I identify the basic values and principles of Equity, Diversity and Interdependence and examine how they can practically inform people:• In the activities of groups and institutions;• In strengthening engagements around this desired future in public, civic and political life;• In promoting a learning society here;• In promoting a more restorative culture within our institutions and civic life together.
Original language | English |
Type | A Public Lecture for Trinity College-Irish School of Ecumenics- Series on Reconciliation; Valuing a Desired Future |
Publisher | Trinity College Dublin |
Number of pages | 10 |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 15 Nov 2007 |
Bibliographical note
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- Reconciliation
- Restorative Society
- Restorative Justice
- Intercultural
- Equity
- Diversity
- Interdependence
- Civil society